working title

This blog, formerly fiction and poetry only, just took on a new role: full-time personal blog. Expect to see a mixture of reflective prose as well as the standard, poetic fare. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Monday, January 21, 2008


created for a women's studies assignment: create a new translation of sappho's "poem of jealousy" based on 28 previous translations by more important poets than me.

tremble, tremble, leaf-me;
shake loose of limb overlooking
pale grass which crunches and
yields under feet of beloved she.

he, holding her precious hand,
knows more of fortune than many
who aspire to wisdom of gods'.
and i wither from where i stand.

my tongue, once lithe and able,
resembles a clod of dirt, stuffed in mouth.
my eyes, which have looked upon the
brightest of triumphs, see only in sable.

as she passes, arm linked and gaze turned,
my mind blinks and my attempt for light is spurned.

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